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The Queen of Heart '98 FAQ v1.1
Author: Nymph
Updated: 1999-12-18

THE QUEEN OF HEART '98 FAQ V1.1  03/12/1999
By RockySFR "The Scope" (a.k.a Chen Dingming Benedict)


The Queen of Heart '98 is a fighting game based on the female characters in
the game "To Heart". It is a spoof of some of the other popular fighting
games in the market, and an experienced player would be able to notice the
similarities between the fighting styles of some of the characters with those
from other games. It is an easy, yet enjoyable game, which is well suited for
all ages.


V1.1 - Completed 3rd December 1999. More details added,
V1.0 - Completed 2nd December 1999. 1st release version.


What's in:

-Complete skill moves for all characters
-Simple play guide

What's missing:

-Storyline of the game
-Full names of each of the characters
-Full details needed for the different options in the options screen
-Lots of combos

I must admit that although the major portion of the FAQ has been completed,
no FAQ is complete without the above details. I am unable to read Japanese,
and hence,I am unable to translate important features (such as those on the
options screen). Also, due to the easy nature of creating combos in the game,
it is nearly impossible to work out all of the possible combos without the
help of other great players.

If anyone can wishes to help out in translations or submitting a combo,
please email me at:

I will give you due credit for your contributions.

If you have are interested in obtaining the game, the use of the Osage patch,
obtaining the Osage patch, or have any questions pertaining to the game, you
can always mail me as well.


Normally, most FAQs remove all of the details which can be found within the
instruction manual, but I am including them to suit the needs of those who
are unable to read Japanese. Also, most FAQs do not include details on the
basic skills of the characters since they are basically understood. However,
due to the nature of this game, I have included them for 2 reasons. Firstly,
unlike other fighting games, each and every basic skill differs in appearence
and style by the pressing of different buttons (not just damage potential
alone). Secondly, combos are extremely easy to be utilised in this game.
Hence, the basic skill guide would aid you in creating your own combos.


Movements          Player 1          Player 2

Up                 Up Arrow          G
Down               Down Arrow        B
Left               Left Arrow        V
Right              Right Arrow       N
Light Attack       J                 A
Medium Attack      K                 S
Heavy Attack       L                 D


Normal Game: 1 Player Mode
Vs Game: 2 Player Competitive Mode
Options: Go to Options Screen
Exit: Leave the Game


These are the selectable options (For those options which I do not know the
meaning, a (?) is placed beside it)

Difficulty Level: Normal/Nightmare/Hell
Health: Normal/2x/4x/8x
Number of rounds to win match: 1/2/3
Background: Singular/Double (?)
Ground: ??????? (Can't read) (?)
Music Type: None/Wav/Midi (Determines which source music is from)
??????: Normal/????? (Can't read) (?)
See High Scores (At High Score screen, use the left and right arrows to cycle
between characters and up and down buttons to read the top ten list)
Save and Exit Options Screen


All characters are arranged in this order (As seen on screen):
 |            (Osage)                                         |
 <-> Yuki <->  Akari <-> Serika <-> Tomoko <-> Siho <-> Aoi --|
      ^         ^         ^          ^          ^        ^
      |         |         |          |          |        |
      v         v         v          v          v        v
 <-> Serio <-> Multi <-> Kotone <-> Remy <-> Rio <-> Ayaka ----
 |                                                            |

-Note that although Yuki and Serio are selectable, they are not seen on the
 select screen. You have to cycle through the choices to select them.
-Osage no Akari is an additional character which can only be accessed if the
 Osage patch is installed.
-If the patch is installed, hold Left Shift at Akari and select Akari to use
 Osage, who has the exact same skills as Akari.



This is what you will see on the field when you fight:

Score Bar: Records your score as your fight
FPS: (?)
Yellow Bar: Reflects your current health. When it is empty, you lose.
Blue Bar: Block meter. Reflected in the form of percentage as well as the
bar. Everytime you block an attack, the meter drops. The meter recharges
itself in the time of play. If you block an attack when the meter is at zero
percent, the screen flashes yellow and you will be hit regardless of the
situation. Once this occurs, your meter reverts back to 100%
Name: The name of your character, in Japanese.
Bottom Bar: Power Meter. After your attack hits or is blocked by an opponent,
the bar slowly charges up. Once it is filled to the brim, it becomes empty
and you gain one stock of charged power. You may then charge up the bar to
gain additional stocks.
Number beside bottom bar: Reflects the number of stored bars of power you
have. Essential for the Super Moves.
Clock: Reflects the amount of time spent as the fight progresses. There is
no time limit. It is required only for your final ranking in the high score
X Hit Combo, Y Aerial, Z Ground: When a combo is performed, this statement
appears. X refers to the total number of hits, Y refers to the number of hits
in the air, while Z refers to the number of hits on the ground.
Guard Cancel: (?)


All skills have been included below, but here are some additional details:

-When a "Super" is done, a flash would be seen and a special animation would
appear before your character performs her move.
-All skills beginning with "Impact" listed below are unique. They are very
strong blows that send your opponent flying across the screen and smashing
into the wall.
-Combos are very easy to perform, and can be done even by pressing the
buttons violently and senselessly, but there are some combos which can be
repeated time after time once you know how to do it. Some of them are listed
-It is possible to "Overkill" your opponent, although there is no need to do
so. This means that you continue your combos on your opponent even when she
has been defeated. The only use of this is to chalk up more points.


After you win a match you will be awarded points based on:

Vital: How much life you had left in your winning rounds
Finish: 10000 points awarded for finishing a match successfully
Perfect: 30000 points awarded for winning each round without losing life
Total: Reflects the total number of points awarded
Maximum Hit: Reflects the maximum number of hits in your best combo in the
match. You are awarded a score of 1000 x the number of hits.
Maximum Damage: Reflects the maximum damage in any of your combo in the
match. You are awarded to same number of points as this score.


Press F12 to pause the game or to access the in game options

Here are the selectable options:

Current Date and Day: Reflects the current date and day in Japanese
Remove words: Removes the words on this screen while the game is paused
?????: Can't read (?)
?????: Can't read (?)
?????: Can't read (?)
Change name: (?)
Return to Title Screen: When this option is selected, you will be given two
choices. Select the top choice to continue playing, or the bottom choice to
return to the Title Screen.

F      - Front
B      - Back
D      - Down
U      - Up
QCF    - Quarter Circle Front
QCB    - Quarter Circle Back
HCF    - Half Circle Front
LA     - Light Attack
MA     - Medium Attack
HA     - Heavy Attack
(HA)   - Heavy Attack (Only applies if you have no bars of stored power)
Close  - Move must be performed at close range
In Air - Move must be performed in air
*      - EX (Destruction Move) Requires 1 bar of stored power
!      - EX (Super Destruction Move) Requires 3 bars of stored power




Jab                                   LA
Hook/Cross Combo                      MA
Downward Punch                        HA
Air Jab                               In Air, LA
Flying Kick                           In Air, MA
Air Downward Punch                    In Air, HA
Squat Jab                             D, LA
Squat Punch                           D, MA
Sweep Kick                            D, HA
Frontal Dash                          F, F (Can move past opponent)
Back Hop                              B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Frontal Throw                         Close, B + HA


Snake Tamer                           B + HA
Rushing Double Jab                    F, F + LA
Impact Rush Punch                     F, F + HA
Spinning Wheel                        QCF + LA/MA/(HA)
Ground Bomb                           QCB + LA/MA/(HA)
Uppercut Knockdown                    D, D + LA/MA/(HA)

*Super Spinning Wheel                 QCF + HA
*Ground Zero Bomb                     QCB + HA
*Dashing Uppercut Knockdown           D, D + HA


11 Hit Dashing Combo: Dashing Double Jab -> Hook/Cross Combo ->
                      Dashing Uppercut Knockdown



Burning Hands                         LA
Broomstick Throw                      MA
Cape Spin                             HA
Spinning Sword                        In Air, LA
Magic Aura                            In Air, MA
Broomstick Burst                      In Air, HA
Floor Sparks                          D, LA
Cat Summoning                         D, MA
Chomping Hat                          D, HA
Broomstick Ride                       F, F (Can fly past opponent)
Broomstick Hop                        B, B
Flight                                In Air, B,B or F,F
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Uplift Throw                          Close, B + HA


Gliding Spinning Sword                F, F + LA 
Gliding Broomstick Burst              F, F + MA
Shadow Hand Grip                      F, F + HA
Lightning Bolt (close)                QCF + LA 
Lightning Bolt (far)                  QCF + MA/(HA)
Wind Wave                             QCB + LA/MA/(HA)


*Lightning Barrage                    QCF + HA
*Super Wind Wave                      QCB + HA
!Meteor Shower                        HCF + HA




Frontal Slash                         LA
Downward Slash                        MA
Upward Slash                          HA
Knee Kick                             In Air, LA
Air Downward Slash                    In Air, MA
Air Upward Slash                      In Air, HA
Squat Short Kick                      D, LA
Squat Slash                           D, MA
Slide Kick                            D, HA
Frontal Dash                          F, F (Can run past opponent)
Air Dash                              In Air, F,F or B,B
Back Hop                              B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Kissing Throw                         Close, B + HA


Hard Kick                             F + MA
Upward Impact Slash                   F + HA
Rushing Downward Slash                F, F + LA
Rushing Slide Kick                    F, F + MA
Rising Slash Combo                    F, F + HA
Triple Slash                          QCF + LA/MA/(HA)
Upthrust Torpedo                      QCB + LA/MA/(HA)
Upwards Spiral                        F, D, F + LA/MA/(HA)


*Impact Slash                         QCF + HA
*Super Upthrust Torpedo               QCB + HA
*Super Upwards Spiral                 F, D, F + HA




Hammer                                LA
Uppercut                              MA
Rushing Smash                         HA
Air Jab                               In Air, LA
Flying Kick                           In Air, MA
Drop Kick                             In Air, HA
Squat Stick Slash                     D, LA
Rushing Uppercut                      D, MA
Sweep Kick                            D, HA
Forward Roll                          F, F
Back Dash                             B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Backbreaker                           Close, B + HA


Spin Kick                             F + HA
Jumping Uppercut                      F, F + LA/MA
Rising Uppercut                       F, F + HA
Mid-Jump Uppercut                     In Air, F + LA
Sleeper Punch                         In Air, B + MA
Arrow Kick                            In Air, D + HA
Neckbreaker                           F, D, F + LA/MA/(HA)


*Super Neckbreaker                    F, D, F + HA
!Lover's Revenge                      HCF + HA
!True Heartbreaker                    QCF x 2 + HA




Double Kick Combo                     LA
Punch/Kick Combo                      MA
Shoulder Ram                          HA
Jumping Double Jab                    In Air, LA
Flying Kick                           In Air, MA
Jumping Hammer                        In Air, HA
Squat Short Kick                      D, LA
Slide Kick                            D, MA
Sweep Kick                            D, HA
Forward Hop                           F, F
Back Hop                              B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Shoulder Throw                        Close, B + HA

Uppercut/Punch Combo                  F, F + LA
Impact Punch                          F, F + MA
Flipping Hammer                       F, F + HA
Modified Style Kick                   QCF + LA/MA/(HA) (Can be done in air)
Hook Punch                            QCB + LA
Hook Punch Uppercut Combo             QCB + MA/(HA)


*Spinning Kick Combo                  QCF + HA (Can be done in air)
*Triple Punch Combo                   QCB + HA
!Aoi's Triple Combo                   Close, HCF + HA (Repeat 3x to complete)




Sparking Finger                       LA
Hammer/Sawblade/Drill Combo           MA
Machine Gun/Missile Combo             HA
Air Sword Slash                       In Air, LA
Air Spinning Blade                    In Air, MA
Revolving Propeller                   In Air, HA
Squat Sparking Finger                 D, LA
Forward Slide                         D, MA
Grenade Launcher                      D, HA
Frontal Roll                          F, F (Can roll past opponent)
Backward Roll                         B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Repulsor Throw                        Close, B + HA


Rapid Frontal Roll                    F, F + LA                    
Rapid Forward Slide                   F, F + MA
Impact Drill                          F, F + HA
Energy Wave                           QCF + LA/MA/(HA)
Landmines                             QCB + LA/MA/(HA)


*Ultra Energy Wave                    QCF + HA
*Super Land Mines                     QCB + HA
!Chaingun Assault                     HCF + HA




Finger Jab                            LA
Psychic Triple Combo                  MA
Psychic Blast                         HA
Air Psychic Finger                    In Air, LA
Air Swing                             In Air, MA
Air Psychic Blast                     In Air, HA
Squat Upper Finger Jab                D, LA
Psychic Slide Kick                    D, MA
Psychic Ground Blaster                D, HA
Teleport Forwards                     F, F (Can teleport past opponent)
Air Teleport                          In Air, F,F or B,B
Teleport Backwards                    B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Psychic Toss                          Close, B + HA

Psychic Smash                         F + HA
Teleport Hammer                       F, F + LA/MA
Rushing Psychic Palms                 F, F + HA        
Psychic Debris                        QCF + LA/MA/(HA)
Psychic Reflector                     QCB + LA/MA/(HA)
Psychic Rise                          Close, F, D, F + LA/MA/(HA)


*Death from Above                     QCF + HA
*Super Psychic Reflector              QCB + HA
*Super Psychic Rise                   Close, F, D, F + HA
!Raging Demon                         HCF + HA




Jab                                   LA
Double Punch Combo                    MA
Spinning Kick                         HA
Knee Kick                             In Air, LA
Air Spinning Kick                     In Air, MA
Drop Kick                             In Air, HA
Squat Jab                             D, LA
Squat Upper Punch                     D, MA
Sweep Kick                            D, HA
Run Forwards                          F, F (Can run past opponents)
Back Cartwheel                        B, B 
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Overhead Throw                        Close, B + HA


Running Spin Kick                     F, F + LA
Impact Kick                           F, F + MA
Running Drop Kick                     F, F + HA
Spin Kick                             In Air, U + B, HA
Arrow Shot                            QCF + LA/MA/(HA)
Shoulder Tackle                       QCB + LA/MA/(HA)


*Magic Arrow                          QCF + HA
*Super Shoulder Tackle                QCB + HA




Hair Jab                              LA
Hair Hammer                           MA
Baseball Bat Swing                    HA
Drill Kick                            In Air, LA
Air Baseball Bat Swing                In Air, MA
Air Baseball Bat Hammer               In Air, HA
Squat Low Kick                        D, LA
Squat Baseball Bat Hammer             D, MA
Slide Kick                            D, HA
Frontal Hop                           F, F
Back Hop                              B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Hair Throw                            Close, B + HA


Running Hair Whip                     F, F + LA
Running Hair Hammer                   F, F + MA
Frontal Fall                          F, F + HA
Drill Kick                            In Air, D + HA
Hair Whip (low)                       QCF + LA
Hair Whip (mid-level)                 QCF + MA
Hair Whip (high)                      QCF + HA
Hair Spikes Assault                   Tap LA/MA/(HA) repeatedly


*Rapid Hair Spikes                    Tap HA repeatedly




Double Punch Combo                    LA
Rushing Kick                          MA
Rushing Hammer Kick                   HA
Leaping Tiger Kick                    In Air, LA
Flying Kick                           In Air, MA
Flying Hammer Kick                    In Air, HA
Squat Low Kick                        D, LA
Rushing Elbow                         D, HA
Sweep Kick                            D, MA
Forward Roll                          F, F (Can roll past opponents)
Backward Roll                         B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Overhead Throw                        Close, B + HA


Deadly Palm                           F + HA
Rushing Elbow                         F, F + LA/MA/HA
Combo Kick                            QCF + LA/MA/(HA)
Evade                                 QCB + LA
Evade + Deadly Palm                   QCB + MA
Evade + Sweep Kick                    QCB + HA


*Combo Kick Knockdown                 QCF + HA


10-Hit Kick Combo: Combo Kick (Light) -> Combo Kick (Medium) ->
                   Combo Kick Knockdown



Triple Punch Combo                    LA
Elbow Hammer                          MA
Spinning Kick                         HA
Flip Kick                             In Air, LA
Flying Double Kick                    In Air, MA
Air Spinning Kick                     In Air, HA
Squat Jab                             D, LA
Squat Kick                            D, MA
Double Uppercut                       D, HA
Frontal Dash                          F, F (Can dash past opponent)
Back Hop                              B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Floor Slam                            Close, B + HA


Impact Kick                           F + HA
Sommersault Kick                      F, F + LA/MA/HA
Impact Flying Kick                    In Air, F + HA
Compact Disc Throw                    QCF + LA/MA/(HA)
Multiple Compact Discs                QCB + LA/MA/(HA)
Flip Kick                             F, D, F + LA/MA/(HA)(Can be done in air)


*Laser Disc Throw                     QCF + HA
*Compact Discs Barrage                QCB + HA
*Super Flip Kick                      F, D, F + HA (Can be done in air)
!Slap Of Anger                        HCF + HA




Upper Kick                            LA
Deadly Claw Rush                      MA
Mega Hand Smash                       HA
Air Electric Tentacle                 In Air, LA
Air Claw                              In Air, MA
Air Triangular Electric Field         In Air, HA
Squat Whip                            D, LA
Squat Booster Kick                    D, MA
Slide Kick                            D, HA
Frontal Dash                          F, F (Can dash past opponent)                     
Back Dash                             B, B
Double Jump                           In Air, U, U + B or U + F
Electric Outburst                     Close, B + HA


Rushing Elbow                         F, F + LA
Hopping Elbow                         F, F + MA
Rushing Electric Charge               F, F + HA
Rotary Drill                          In Air, D + HA
Eye Laser                             QCF + LA/MA/(HA)
Rushing Punch                         QCB + LA/MA/(HA)


*Super Eye Laser                      QCF + HA
*Super Rushing Punch                  QCB + HA
!Rapid Missile Fire                   HCF + HA



-Official website of QOH98:
(For general info, as well as directions for the moves)
-The personnel of QOH98 who helped me with the Osage patch
-Johnathan Maximillian Fate (a.k.a Jason Koh Thiam Joo)
(Worthy opponent, Fighting Game Extraordinaire, for combos and more moves)


Copyright, Cheaters Corporation, 1999
No part of this FAQ may be sold or printed commercially without the
permission of the author.

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